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RUSSIAN CHICKEN - описание и фото продукции в каталоге брендов Meatinfo.ru

Единый Экспортный бренд от ХОЛДИНГА АМАР ГРУПП. Обладатель многочисленных номинаций и наград, таких как "Лучший "Халяль" продукт-2018", "ПРОДЭКСПО-2018". Участвует в многопрофильных выставках: "RUSSIA HALAL EXPO", «Moscow Halal Expo», «KazanSummit», "Золотая Осень"

LLC HOLDING "AMAR GROUP" is a diversified production and trading Holding company.

The key activities are the production, processing and sale of products from poultry meat of strictly standard "Halal" in Russia and for export.

The company is more than 9 years.

Every year we justify our trust in the market of halal products and improve our positions.

All our products are fully certified in accordance with the "Halal"standards and has a number of numerous awards.

An essential advantage of the products produced by the Holding Company is exclusively hand slaughter in accordance with "Halal" standards.

We would like to offer you an exclusive export brand "Russian Chicken".

Namely: whole (frozen) chicken in assortment.

Our company took into account the conjuncture of the market of the countries of the Arabic world and

has created a unique product of high quality, conforming to all standards of "Halal".

Our aim – is to become a benchmark company, to be one of the world leaders in the market of "Halal" in the field of poultry farming.

Our mission - is to offer our customers a wide range of safe and affordable poultry meat due to the strict "Halal" system.

Our values:

  • quality products at affordable prices (does not contain GMOs, antibiotics and growth hormones)
  • qualified staff and professional growth of employees (more than 100 employees work in the company structure)
  • annual increase in production capacity, modernization of own premises with high-tech equipment
  • openness and honest conduct of business (the work of the whole Holding is built on the principles of transparency and decency)

Priority directions of development of foreign activities of our Holding are the countries of the Persian Gulf,

near and far abroad, where we see long-term opportunities for increasing sales of «Halal» food products.



Best regards / С Уважением

General manager / Генеральный директор


Safin Raif F. / Сафин Раиф Феридович


9 января 2019, 08:42

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